Sunday, December 6, 2009

$10 Challenge

It's an interesting thing to give to someone in need or undeserving. My friend, Louise has chosen to partake in the $10 Challenge and has challenged the rest of us to also. Bill Coffey started the challenge and you can follow the link to his site to read it fully.

At this time of year, there are many who give selflessly, thinking of others and not of themselves, others who give thinking only of themselves and still others who give because they have to (I'm thinking of store clerks who are harried at this time of year). What can I give willingly that might make a difference to someone's day? No matter if I can only afford a $1, what can I sacrifice to help someone else feel a little bit of the love of God at this time when we celebrate His Gift to us? $10 seems like a small thing, a tiny token, but it can change the life or at least day of someone we come across.

My Mom occasionally gives the store clerk a chocolate bar, what if we were more prepared and had little cards in our purses/wallets to give along with it with a note of encouragement and/or thanks for those people who work double-time this time of year? Whether you do a spur of the moment gift or put some forethought into it, please let me know what it is you did, pass along your ideas so others can share them.

God bless you!


Louise Gallagher said...

HI Sarah! I love the idea of notes of encouragement -- smiles, words, hugs, they work too. Have you read Alexis' blog post on My Secret Canada? -- Thanks so much for taking up the challenge!



SLM Moss said...

Hi Louise!

I did read her post!! That was so amazing and wonderful! Thank you for sharing it. I'm looking forward to seeing how this challenge changes how I look at people. :)


Billy Coffey said...

I'm so glad you're taking part in this, Sarah. Can't wait to see where God leads you!