Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My husband did a wonderful thing and sold his computer in order to buy a piano for our family, actually for my birthday present! I am delighted!! I have so enjoyed having a piano in the home for the last week and have been playing daily. Last night, I was even able to write the music for a new song I've written. It's amazing, actually. When we open our hearts to hear God and allow Him to give us gifts and talents, and put them to use, we are refreshed and invigorated by the gift He gives us.

Sometimes I have felt fear that God would give me something that would be difficult to do, or something I wouldn't WANT to do. Sometimes, like Moses, He calls us to do something we don't enjoy or don't feel good at. Truth was, God had prepared Moses for the task before him. Moses had been trained at the school of the Pharaohs and likely had speech classes, leadership lessons and God had taught him total reliance on Himself during his years of wilderness living. All Moses lacked was self-esteem. There even came a time when Moses did stand on his own and did not rely on Aaron to be his spokesperson.

The truth is that God doesn't call us to do something He hasn't prepared us for, or will give us the ability to do. He calls us to do something that He needs, something that He knows we will be good at and enjoy. I am enjoying the journey and I hope I remember the lesson that no matter where He leads, He has already prepared me for the task and knows I am the best person for the job. Truth is, I'll probably enjoy it too.

Are you enjoying your journey? Or are you fighting God's will in your life? Surrender to Him and discover how much more abundant your life can be.

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